The blog I am gonna talk about is, “Something awful”.
This is a blog operated in 1999 which means it’s nearly ten years old. Unlike many other blogs that are usually hosted by one person, “Something awful” is a blog hosted by a group of steeled people. The identity of contributor of each entry is shown though with little tricky middle name. So, it should be considered as personality based blog? (I think it is good~~Coz I think if a blogger who wants to convince his/her reader should dare to speak out his/her real name, even the false name?)
Just as its name implies, basically, “Something awful” is a place for people to comment on the things which they might consider to be ‘awful’.
But what kind of things? Well, music, movies, books, fashion, safari, game or sport……it nearly covers everything in our daily life. We are sure to find the articles on our interested topic. And the blog not only provide the entries of articles but also the videos, pictures and flashes.
And how awful the things are? Actually, the opinions of the publishers about awful things refers to the review of some movie, songs or other things that they don’t like. Obviously, the opinions are highly subjective but, quite interesting, because most of them have never been heard before. They usually help people to discover the truths. To me, it is happy to know the new information that I didn’t think of before. And sometimes, I am so surprised to find out that I’ve been cheated on something for quite a long time…
For example, in the article “This Article is Politically Incorrect and Is About the Stuff the "Man" Doesn't Want You To Hear” posted on September 2, 2007, the blogger says:” Recently I was doing what the SomethingAwful boss, Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka, orders all his employees to do: I was artificially driving up click-through rate on our ads by clicking them over and over again using three computers, five automated programs, and six hands.” Well, that’s a big surprising. I never know that employees should click their ads for the boss by themselves, and should be so ‘hard-working’. It is funny, but that’s true. So never worry about the rate of ads on the internet any more, because they will grow by themselves!
Another article “The Awful Guide to Your Inevitable Walt Disney World Vacation” posted on September 6, 2007 is also interesting. The blogger thinks that “Planning a Walt Disney World vacation is quick and painless”. Oh, is it? It is the first time I hear about this. So I wonder why it is so awful for him? Oh, “Cost too much money and energy!” Well, it sounds reasonable for Disney vacaion to be awful. What is more? The blogger continue to criticize each Walt Disney World around the world. From The Magic Kingdom to Epcot. He also says that:” The Magic Kingdom is the second to worst "Disneyland" style park in the world. It beats Hong Kong Disneyland only because there are less Chinese people in Florida.” I’m no gonna comment on the underlying meaning of the second sentence, I just want to say it’s good to know what’re people really thinking about, and that’s ‘Something awful’ can bring me. And Walt Disney Worlds are no longer the dream island?
However, the only thing disappoints me is that I can’t comment on the blog though now I am so eager to! What I can do is just sending the bloggers email which means the public will not see my comments. It is not fair. Though there is a forum of general discussion, but it is not convenient to link all the public opinions to a particular article which worth discussing. The conservative style doesn’t match such a daring blog.
Anyway, it’s good to have a regular visit on this ‘Something awful’ blog. It’s not that awful, or maybe you would find it awesome.
Happy Father's day!!!
In Australia, Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September which is ...TODAY~
Today, in the morning, on my way to the restaurant I do my part-time job, I saw many people hold flowers or little beautiful gifts~
And in the restaurant, I am really shocked, it has been already full at 10:00 am!
Most of our guests came as families~When I served food for them, the teenagers in one family will ask their fathers what they want to eat, sooo sweet~(coz usually, i see parents asking opinions about what to eat from their children~Children talk!)
Well, it is really a big day today~And it make me miss my dad, though it is the father's day in Australia~
Hey, my dear dad, I just want to say--I love u, and
Happy father's day!!!!!
Today, in the morning, on my way to the restaurant I do my part-time job, I saw many people hold flowers or little beautiful gifts~
And in the restaurant, I am really shocked, it has been already full at 10:00 am!
Most of our guests came as families~When I served food for them, the teenagers in one family will ask their fathers what they want to eat, sooo sweet~(coz usually, i see parents asking opinions about what to eat from their children~Children talk!)
Well, it is really a big day today~And it make me miss my dad, though it is the father's day in Australia~
Hey, my dear dad, I just want to say--I love u, and
Happy father's day!!!!!
My little cashbook
I have a little cashbook which i use to record the detail of my earning and spending~
I will write down when, where and how much i spent the money on it.
But what always happen are...
I am too lazy to write down things on it...
I always forget where I spend the money, is it cosmetic or food?
Or I always forget the price of each product...
And there is one thing I often do... REGRETING too much money I 've spent...
Buuuuut~ I'll keep having fun with it, haha~~~
Gold Coast, we are coming!
During the break after this semester (09.17-09.20), my 3 dear classmates and I will travle to Gold Coast!
Being in Sydney for about 1 year, this will be my first time travlling~soooooo exited~~
Coz We'll spend 3 days there, we plan to go to DREAM WORLD, WARNER BRO. MOVIE WORLD and SEA WOLRD.
Among them, I am most interested in DREAM WORLD---Tiger Island, Nick Central, The Australian Wildlife Experience, Wiggle World, Big Brother and Flow Rider! Just read the name of each place in it, you will know how fun it would be~~
Oh, my god, I can't wait!
Can I go now?
During the break after this semester (09.17-09.20), my 3 dear classmates and I will travle to Gold Coast!
Being in Sydney for about 1 year, this will be my first time travlling~soooooo exited~~
Coz We'll spend 3 days there, we plan to go to DREAM WORLD, WARNER BRO. MOVIE WORLD and SEA WOLRD.
Among them, I am most interested in DREAM WORLD---Tiger Island, Nick Central, The Australian Wildlife Experience, Wiggle World, Big Brother and Flow Rider! Just read the name of each place in it, you will know how fun it would be~~
Oh, my god, I can't wait!
Can I go now?
Guys from Uni
Today we meet the people from UTS and MQ who graduated from Insearch before~
They are all comunication students doing journalism, PR or Media and Arts.......
They are back to Insearch to tell us (current communication students) their experiences about studying in the universities.
What they say really scare me ( though not surprisingly, bc our dear teachers have warned us before, but it is still hard to accepet the 'cruel fact' )......
The truth is that(not a rumor!) in the uni, there are many readings waiting for us (one of those uni students doesn't want to bring her reading books to show to us, bc they are tooooo heavy!), and we have to do them (in Insearch, i seldom do the reading, haha...)otherwise we will have nothing to do during the tutorial~~That means we will spend much of my life in the library in the coming 2 years...hard to imagine...
What really suprise me today is the experience told by a philippine guy~He is doing double degree now---journalism and law combined (both of them are hard i think~) and he got the WAM of more than 95! oh my god, he is soooooooooo smart~~
Actually, i am still thinking about what course should i choose~~haha~~hard to decide...
Keep thinking......
They are all comunication students doing journalism, PR or Media and Arts.......
They are back to Insearch to tell us (current communication students) their experiences about studying in the universities.
What they say really scare me ( though not surprisingly, bc our dear teachers have warned us before, but it is still hard to accepet the 'cruel fact' )......
The truth is that(not a rumor!) in the uni, there are many readings waiting for us (one of those uni students doesn't want to bring her reading books to show to us, bc they are tooooo heavy!), and we have to do them (in Insearch, i seldom do the reading, haha...)otherwise we will have nothing to do during the tutorial~~That means we will spend much of my life in the library in the coming 2 years...hard to imagine...
What really suprise me today is the experience told by a philippine guy~He is doing double degree now---journalism and law combined (both of them are hard i think~) and he got the WAM of more than 95! oh my god, he is soooooooooo smart~~
Actually, i am still thinking about what course should i choose~~haha~~hard to decide...
Keep thinking......
Days without the Internet
Those days, there might be some problems with the modem in my house which cause a seriouse problem---I can't use the internet!
That means
I can't log in to the UTS library to renew my books~
I can't search the useful information for my essay~
I can't check my email though maybe someone has sent me some imprtant message~
I can't use QQ or MSN to chat with my friends~
I can't watch movie or listen to music on line~
I can't even get the news for knowing what's happening~
There are still much things I can't do without the Internet......
That means
I can't log in to the UTS library to renew my books~
I can't search the useful information for my essay~
I can't check my email though maybe someone has sent me some imprtant message~
I can't use QQ or MSN to chat with my friends~
I can't watch movie or listen to music on line~
I can't even get the news for knowing what's happening~
There are still much things I can't do without the Internet......
Don't know when I seldom read books~
Don't know when I don't want to make call to my parents~
Don't know when I don't like talk to people face to face~
Don't know when the first thing I do when I get home is openning the computer and connecting to the Internet~
Don't know when I am used to sitting in front of the computer all day long~
Don't know why I rely on the Internet so much......
Don't know it's good or not to lead such a life......busy,convenient, but weird?
Anyway, what I can do now is praying~When can I get my Internet back?
p.s. Why I can just use the Internet in local library for only 1 hour? I still have much things to say......
I want a baby!

On the course of Communication Skills III, all of the students should write a proposal of making a short film. That sounds really exciting!! Firstly, all of us will develop the proposal into a treatment~Then do the presentation---introduce the idea of the film to the teacher and other students. If the idea is interesting and doable, it will be made into a real film, not just the film on the paper~~
My idea is about Bathing Baby! Actually, my purpose of making such a film is to teach new parents how to bath baby in a safe and convenient way~Because many babies down in bathtus or get injuries while bathing often occurs~I want to make a short film shooting the whole process of bathing baby--from the preperation of enviroment, shower gel and the sequence of bathing baby, of course the important tips as well~~I am sure that this film will be really funny and helpful~~
And what is more interesting, my idea has been chosen!! I can make it into practise!! How exciting it is!!
The problem is where is the major performer--the baby!?
At the very beginning, I decided to let my neighbour's son be the little actor. He is 6-month-old, and his mother is a nurse who is willing to demonstrate the correct steps of bathing baby~But the mother took the baby back to China suddenly~And she decided to bring up her son there~
Oh my god~I lost my main actor! How can I keep going?
Can anyone recommend a baby or contribute any idea???
Please~~I want a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lesson

I've been suffering from flu and tummy bug for several days. Sneezing, dry cough, blocked nose, headache and stomachache are all around me, torturing me these days. I feel so bad......
But Shushu said that I deserve it ! ! ! !
En......Well......To some extent, I
Coz I didn't wear warm enough in such weather that has great difference in temperature from day and night......And I've eaten too much food which are spicy and oily while I've got a gastric ulcer already...
So repentant......I realised how important health is when it is not there......
Please, I want my health back......
I want to say goodbye to those disgusting medicines !!!
Hope I can be well soon!!!!
Coz from now on, I will take good care of myself !!
P.S. I've eaten conjee for quite a long time as well, insipid......
But Shushu said that I deserve it ! ! ! !
En......Well......To some extent, I
Coz I didn't wear warm enough in such weather that has great difference in temperature from day and night......And I've eaten too much food which are spicy and oily while I've got a gastric ulcer already...
So repentant......I realised how important health is when it is not there......
Please, I want my health back......
I want to say goodbye to those disgusting medicines !!!
Hope I can be well soon!!!!
Coz from now on, I will take good care of myself !!
P.S. I've eaten conjee for quite a long time as well, insipid......
Big Movie day
Today is really a big movie day to me~Because i have watch three movies in the cinema continuously~
First is the TRANSFORMERS, follow by the HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, and the last one is PREMONITION~
I do want to talk about the TRANSFORMERS here. Actually I wasn't that into it at the very beginning, coz I thought this movie must be filled with lots of scenes of fight, and it can't be too narrative neither. It suits boys much better than me~Desn't it? Yes, it does. This movie has greatly advocated the American heroism. "No sacrifice, no victory!" is repeated again and again from transformers to American soldiers. That's fine. I think all of the audiences are used to it. This is a typical American movie with huge budget--poor storyline and theme but has fantastic effect! When I was sitting in the cinema watching it, i just couldn't help acclaim that "This is soooo cool!" Especially when those robots transforms in such a shot time, it's really amazing! What's more, this film is a funny one, you can see many comedies in it. I like the scene when those giant transformers are trying to hide in a smaLl yard but finally destroy it~quite interesting!
So, I recommend the TRANSFORMERS--for entertainment only~
But what about the HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX? I can only say that it dispointed me because I had so high expectation on it~I think this movie is a littel bit boring and the eding doen't surprise me at all. Though I have't read J.K. Rowling's books, i just compare the whole series of Harry Potter movies, I don't like the fifth one very much...
What can i say about PREMONITION? A womon predicts that her husbant willl die in a car accident but still can't save him? Nothing more than confusability...But~I still like Sandra Bullok,haha~
Sitting all day long and eatting too much snacks in the cinema, it's better for me to take a walk outside,haha...
First is the TRANSFORMERS, follow by the HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, and the last one is PREMONITION~
I do want to talk about the TRANSFORMERS here. Actually I wasn't that into it at the very beginning, coz I thought this movie must be filled with lots of scenes of fight, and it can't be too narrative neither. It suits boys much better than me~Desn't it? Yes, it does. This movie has greatly advocated the American heroism. "No sacrifice, no victory!" is repeated again and again from transformers to American soldiers. That's fine. I think all of the audiences are used to it. This is a typical American movie with huge budget--poor storyline and theme but has fantastic effect! When I was sitting in the cinema watching it, i just couldn't help acclaim that "This is soooo cool!" Especially when those robots transforms in such a shot time, it's really amazing! What's more, this film is a funny one, you can see many comedies in it. I like the scene when those giant transformers are trying to hide in a smaLl yard but finally destroy it~quite interesting!
So, I recommend the TRANSFORMERS--for entertainment only~
But what about the HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX? I can only say that it dispointed me because I had so high expectation on it~I think this movie is a littel bit boring and the eding doen't surprise me at all. Though I have't read J.K. Rowling's books, i just compare the whole series of Harry Potter movies, I don't like the fifth one very much...
What can i say about PREMONITION? A womon predicts that her husbant willl die in a car accident but still can't save him? Nothing more than confusability...But~I still like Sandra Bullok,haha~
Sitting all day long and eatting too much snacks in the cinema, it's better for me to take a walk outside,haha...
Our first podcast
Recently, Shushu and I was working on our first podcast. During this process, we've had our ups and downs, however, much fun as well.
Our podcast is about special functions of food. In order to reflect the unique usage of those food we're gonna introduce, we decided to interview people about what they usually do with those food. It's funny when we were interviewing people, so much worries...Firstly, we were a little bit shy on talking to strangers, we were also afraid of people being confused on understanding our questions. So, we had to review our interview skills learnt in semester 2...It's really a challenge to us...
After interviewing people, we failed to import our files to GarageBand, coz we used MP3 to
record the sound which was saved as WAV format with 32 bit PCM. What a great blow! Maybe
in GarageBand we could adjust sth to import the file, but at that time we had no idea about how to make it. Fortunately, we tried it in Audacidy, and it worked! So we continued our rest work on this free programme,haha...Not too bad...
Anyway, for this pobcast project, we did the research and wrote the scrip; we were the
interviewers as well as be the presenters ( though it would be a little strange when i hear my own voice through the MP3 ). Finally, we finished our project~
No matter the quality of the project is good or not, we will be proud of it!
Our podcast is about special functions of food. In order to reflect the unique usage of those food we're gonna introduce, we decided to interview people about what they usually do with those food. It's funny when we were interviewing people, so much worries...Firstly, we were a little bit shy on talking to strangers, we were also afraid of people being confused on understanding our questions. So, we had to review our interview skills learnt in semester 2...It's really a challenge to us...
After interviewing people, we failed to import our files to GarageBand, coz we used MP3 to
record the sound which was saved as WAV format with 32 bit PCM. What a great blow! Maybe
in GarageBand we could adjust sth to import the file, but at that time we had no idea about how to make it. Fortunately, we tried it in Audacidy, and it worked! So we continued our rest work on this free programme,haha...Not too bad...
Anyway, for this pobcast project, we did the research and wrote the scrip; we were the
interviewers as well as be the presenters ( though it would be a little strange when i hear my own voice through the MP3 ). Finally, we finished our project~
No matter the quality of the project is good or not, we will be proud of it!
Snowy Mountain!

I was so exciting because i had my very first experience of skiing in Snowy Mountain too! well, actually, when i was wearing the ski socks and boots, i couldn't even stand on the ground, coz it was so sliiiiippery~~ i just kept falling down to the ground again and again. But thanks to my tutor Jin (a Korean boy who has the same name as my classmate, more important, he's sooo cute and sooo patient ^o^), after he teaching me for about 4 hours, i could start and stop skiing on a slightly slant slope "successfully"(4s result~~).Not too bad, isn't it?
One more thing~i tried the toboggan as well, it is funny too~~and i dare to say that i am good on it (compared with many kids aroud 4-5 years old),haha~coz i know how to control the direction while driving it down~~
Anyway, it is quite interesting visiting Snowy Mountain, i just hope i can be there next year~~
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